Robert Shiller is the Arthur M. Okun professor of economics at Yale University and author of the books Irrational Exuberance (2000) and Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism (co-author 2009). He is generally regarded as having predicted the Tech Bubble and the Housing Crisis.
In a recent interview that appeared in the May/June issue of REIT Magazine he made the following observation:
It is certainly plausible that the best investors have always succeeded because they excel in emotional intelligence.
They listen better, so they understand motivations better. They form relationships better, so they learn things about the world that other's don't and also who to trust. They're a better judge of genuineness and can see through the artifice in investment presentations that may draw others into poor propositions. In that sense, emotional intelligence is highly relevant to sound investment strategy.